Saturday, June 11, 2011

Summer 2011

Here is Leaf and his Grandpa Ray mowing the fields together - Leaf had such a good time!

As for other exciting activities in Leaf's life - he has truly enjoyed his friends and teachers at Park Elementary these last few months. We are deeply grateful to everyone who has put in effort to make sure he's had a fun and safe experience in school.

Leaf was able to identify different colored toys for me while we worked on the light box at school recently - and with the help of his therapists he is becoming more mobile and communicating through symbols and actions.

Though Leaf is doing well in many ways, he still is struggling to speak. He clearly understands verbal communication, but isn't able to say any words. So, it may be time for more stem cell extracts to help him further develop, and hopefully find the ability to speak. The last segment of the fund raising money went toward the extracts and helped him learn to walk - it has been priceless for him to have this ability. He still has more limitations than the average three year old, but he relishes mobility and movement he has gained and works on improving it more and more. Saying even a few words would make him so proud!

We are forever grateful to everyone who has helped along the way - we know Leaf wouldn't have nearly the quality of life he does now without so much love and support from all of you!

Thank You!